Funding sought for overtaking lane

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Funding sought for overtaking lane

State Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis is looking at funding options for a long promised overtaking lane on the Riddoch Highway, north of Mount Gambier.

The ministerial assurance came in response to a query put by Independent MP for MacKillop Nick McBride in the House of Assembly.

Mr McBride said the previous Marshall and Morrison Liberal State and Federal governments announced in 2019 that $47m would be allocated to construct three overtaking lanes on the Riddoch Highway between Mount Gambier and Keith.

“Two have been completed south of Naracoorte but the third, which is supposed to be constructed north of Naracoorte, has not been started yet,” Mr McBride said.

In reply, Minister Koutsantonis said this third overtaking lane on the Riddoch Highway was initially designed for further south.

“However, concerns were raised by the local community and affected adjacent landholders, and the local MP Nick McBride rightly contacted the regional roads minister and the infrastructure minister with the issues, including those proximities,” Minister Koutsantonis said.

“There was a new location proposed further north, adjacent to Naracoorte Road.

“That third overtaking lane has been put on hold because the money that has been allocated to it of $16.8m is insufficient.

“What I have asked the department to do, because of the advocacy of the local member of parliament Nick McBride is to go away and see if there is a program of works that we can use to undertake and fulfil that obligation, and build that third overtaking lane.

“So, we are revising funding options available.”

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