Furner talks rescheduled

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Furner talks rescheduled

Wattle Range Council has rescheduled a public meeting at Furner to discuss priorities for the town’s future.

As part of its Community Vision project, council has set out to help each of the 13 towns in its region to review their town priorities and set out their aspirations for the future.

The initial series of consultation sessions began a year ago and are almost complete.

It is now time for the Furner community to take their turn.

Starting with a free barbecue at 6pm on February 19 at the Furner Sports Club, councl staff and representatives will also advise how community feedback, ideas and proposals can be communicated to the council on an ongoing basis.

Furner is part of Kintore ward and its representatives are Sharon Cox and Richard Cassidy.

The ward is named after the long-closed Kintore Inn which still stands in Furner along with a South Australian 19th century governor, the Earl of Kintore.

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