Get your group out there with inaugural Community Expo

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Get your group out there with inaugural Community Expo

DID you know the Casterton Community Centre can laminate A3 documents for you? 
Or the staff can help you download apps onto your phone to assist with government and other necessary services?

If not, it’s time to plug the inaugural free Community Expo into your diary.

Set for Saturday, March 22, the Casterton Community Centre Community Expo will be your ‘go to’ to find out what’s on offer in your local community and share your organisation’s skills sets and services with other residents.

“There are so many new residents in the area who may not know the huge amount of services and clubs available to them, but there are many residents who have always lived here who do not know about some of the terrific clubs and services our district offers,” the centre’s Lisa McDonald said.

“We also know that so many organisations are struggling with memberships and volunteer numbers, so we though this would be a great opportunity for those groups to get themselves out there and let people know what they’re about.

“And because of the tough time everyone is having, there’ll be no charge and we’ll have free catering on site, with the Lions and Rotary putting on a barbecue, some cold drinks and tea and coffee.”

Emails were sent out to a large directory of local groups prior to Christmas, but any local organisation that would like to participate and had not been contacted, was welcome to put their hand up to join in the expo event.

“We have invited local schools, sporting clubs and service groups and we used a couple of local online directories to contact people, but we know that some of those contacts are out of date and there are a few new groups who have not made it to those directories yet,” Ms McDonald said.

“We’d still love to hear from anyone who has not been contacted, who’d like to join in the day.”

She said local businesses would also be invited to take part in the event, but stressed the expo would not be a selling opportunity for retailers.

“We’ll be doorknocking around the CBD with some flyers about the event and we’d like businesses to come along and let people know about the type of services or products they offer, but please do not bring your products to sell or your price list – it’s not a market day,” she said.

Bookings will be finalised by Friday, 7 March; for further information or to book your spot, phone the Casterton Community Centre on 5581 2139.

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