Glencoe woolshed funding allocated

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Glencoe woolshed funding allocated

The historic Glencoe woolshed is the beneficiary of a rare decision by Wattle Range Council not to endorse a staff recommendation regarding grant allocations.

The National Trust will now receive a $2000 council grant to renew and maintain the roof on the structure which dates back to the early 1860s.

The roof work costs almost $4200.

The council calls for grant applications from sporting and community groups twice a year.

As the Glencoe Woolshed National Trust branch had already received a council grant in round one, the staff did not recommend a grant for the roof work.

However, Sorby Adams ward councillors Deb Agnew and Dale Price successfully argued at the January monthly meeting the case for a second grant pointing out the budget allocated for community grants had not been fully expended.

Some councillors were unsure whether the grants policy allowed a community group to be allocated two grants within one financial year and whether the grants policy needed to be updated.

Chief executive Ben Gower checked the wording of the current grants policy and said a second application was unlikely to be funded.

“It is not a ‘no’,” Mr Gower said.

Hearing this, Cr Agnew successfully moved that a $2000 grant be allocated to the Glencoe woolshed.

Ahead of the debate, Cr Price declared a conflict of interest as his wife Ruth Price is the treasurer of the Glencoe National Trust.

He took part in the debate but left the chamber when the vote was taken.

The same meeting approved an application for a $2000 grant to the Millicent community radio station 5THE FM for outside broadcasting equipment.

Its chairman is Cr David Walshaw and he was not present for either the debate or the vote.

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