Golfers bunker down

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Golfers bunker down

Ahigh risk of bushfire prompted officials of the Millicent Golf Club to take the rare step of temporarily closing their course on Saturday afternoon.

Their picturesque course opened at Mount Burr in 1961 and is nestled among large areas of natural scrub and pine plantations.

There was a total fire ban across the Lower South East declared on Saturday and a “watch and act” heatwave alert was also issued.

Club president Mark Pilmore said the closure decision was taken in the interests of the safety of the golfers.

“We were worried about the possibility of a fire breaking out when people were playing in a remote area of the course,” Mr Pilmore said.

“Due to the hot weather, we only had 30 golfers compete in Saturday’s competition.

“They teed off between first light at 6am and 8am.

“All play was completed over the 18 holes by noon and the competition was won by retired banker Brian Duldig.

“We then decided to close the course.”

There had been a minor scrub fire on golf course land in October.

The blaze was successfully battled by local CFS crews and no property damage was caused.

Large areas of the Millicent golf course were blackened during the tragic Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983.

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