Grant District praises award-worthy residents

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Grant District praises award-worthy residents

Grant District Council celebrated its award-worthy residents with a gathering at The Barn.

Mayor Kylie Boston and fellow councillors gathered with invited guests to congratulate the 2025 Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award winners and nominees.

Mayor Boston said a number of high-quality nominations were received for a range of groups and individuals demonstrating outstanding contributions including, but not limited to, long standing community group committee members and volunteers, young business owners, fundraisers, and regional sporting events coordinated by volunteers.

The 2025 Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award winners were Citizen of the Year Jacqui Doloughan – a committed and valued volunteer of the Kongorong community; Young Citizen of the Year Jazmin Bingham – a Youth Minister’s Advisory Council representative; Community Event of the Year Donovans Easter Market – a beloved annual community event; and Active Citizenship Award Southern Ocean Care Committee – a passionate environmental advocacy group.

Mayor Boston said the awards highlighted the passion of local communities and how every action, large or small, can make a significant impact.

“The Australia Day Citizen of the Year Awards are a reminder that everyone has the potential to create positive change to make our community stronger and more connected. It is important that our community members are celebrated for their commitment over the past year and in most cases over many years of service,” she said.

“We are extremely proud of all the individuals and groups who have been nominated, and I hope the celebration of these community members inspires others to contribute positively to Grant District Council.”

Award nominees were also invited to attend the event and presented with a certificate.

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