Grant priorities up for discussion

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Grant priorities up for discussion

Grant District Council is inviting community feedback on its goals, aspirations and activities presented in its recently released draft Strategic Plan 2024-2034.

Strategy and Governance coordinator Brittany Shelton tabled the draft plan at council’s June monthly meeting.

She said councils must undertake a review of their strategic plan within two years of a local government general election.

“We have commenced the Strategic Plan review process in accordance with the Act,” Ms Shelton said.

“Grant District Council commenced its review process in late 2023, in anticipation of the November 2024 deadline.

“Council facilitated a review process with support from Gilham Strategy and Planning, as well as Urban and Regional Planning Solutions.

“This Strategic Plan sets out the aspirations, goals and activities which will prioritise council’s actions over the coming 4-10 years.”

Ms Shelton said it had been prepared using input gathered from initial engagement with community members through a citizen’s jury, along with council staff and elected members.

“The plan sets out our purpose, role, operating principles and commitment to the community,” she said.

“It directs the priorities which we will focus on, the key projects that will be undertaken and where resources will be allocated each year.

“Five strategic goals, focused on community, economy, infrastructure, environment and council, have been developed to guide council’s vision.

“The draft Strategic Plan brings together all relevant elements, into a clear visioning document, which sets out Council’s role, purpose and operating principles which will guide our decision-making processes.

“Under each goal in this plan, a summary is provided of the input from the targeted engagement that has been used to develop shared goals for the future of our district and the activities Council will undertake, facilitate or advocate for to get us there.”

Feedback can be provided at or email

Drop-in sessions will be held on July 11 and 16, from 5.30pm to 7.00pm, at locations yet to be confirmed.

An online drop-in session via Microsoft Teams will be held on July 24 from 12pm to 1pm.

Hard copies of the Strategic Plan and feedback forms have been made available at council’s office and at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.

Feedback closes on July 24.

Following review of the feedback, the final Strategic Plan 2024-2034 will be presented at council’s August monthly meeting for endorsement.

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