Heat plays havoc with schedule

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Heat plays havoc with schedule

Hot weather is again forecast to disrupt the matches scheduled for Saturday in round 10 of the Millicent Naracoorte Cricket Association.

Only two of the games proceeded last weekend owing to the heat threshold cancellation being reached.

Perhaps captains, clubs and association officials can instead be flexible and agree to start this Saturday’s games at 9am and finish by 2pm thus avoiding the anticipated heat of the

It is worth a trial given the stop/start nature of the 2024/25 program.

A number of games in the Millicent Naracoorte Cricket Association have already been abandoned over the course of the 2024/25 season owing to wet weather.

A seven-team competition creates byes and there have also been breaks for the Adelaide Oval test match and the festive season.

All these factors combine to restrict playing opportunities.

All Saturday’s matches will be played in the southern portion of the association at Rendelsham, Mount Burr and Millicent and this is opposite to the scenario last weekend.

Millicent versus Kingston

As the ladder leader is hosting the bottom-placed side, victory looks assured for the reigning premiers.

Many of their young players had probably never experienced the rare set of circumstances coming into the last over of their round nine away match against Lucindale.

All four possible results were still alive. That is, a win or a loss or a draw or a tie.

As it was, Lucindale hit the winning runs with two balls to spare.

Kingston blooded another two newcomers in round nine and it has probably played more players than any other team in the competition this season.

It would be the upset of the season if the seasiders make the 220km round trip and return home with the premiership points.

Rendelsham versus Lucindale

As it is second hosting third, this should be the closest game in round 10.

Rendelsham is just slightly better placed and is keen to reach yet another season decider.

The heat-related cancellation of its round nine game was a blessing in disguise as two key players were unavailable owing to their attendance at a bucks party at Lake George.

Having just defeated the top team and the McGurks in good form with the bat, expect a tight tussle from Lucindale.

Mount Burr versus Naracoorte Townies

Mount Burr are near the foot of the premiership table but showing signs of improvement each week.

Their youngsters are adjusting to the tempo of senior cricket while their experienced players like the Muhovics brothers are playing with more consistency with the bat.

Nevertheless, it is quite a challenge to defeat the Naracoorte Townies who are in fourth place and desperate to qualify for the finals.

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