Heritage tourism boost

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Heritage tourism boost

ALimestone Coast tourism business will share in nearly $150,000 in State Government funding to enhance heritage tourism across South Australia.

Walk the Limestone Coast will receive $12,800 for videography to promote the rich culture and heritage experienced on the Taste of the Aussie Camino – Mary MacKillop Pilgrimage.

Grants of between $5000 and $15,000 have been awarded to 13 businesses under the new Activating Heritage Tourism Small Grants program.

Other successful projects include the development of the Eyre Peninsula’s first cultural tour in Port Lincoln, new heritage tours at the historical Yalumba distillery in the Barossa Valley and the creation of a storytelling bush tucker garden at Wadna.

A total of $147,794 was awarded through the partnership between the Department for Environment and Water and the Tourism Industry Council SA (TiCSA).

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