High tea brings out op shop high fashion

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High tea brings out op shop high fashion

Ahigh tea is always an occasion to dress up but members of the Hatherleigh Community Hall in putting a spin on that concept.

They are putting out an invitation to the public to come to their February 15 fundraiser at their community-built hall for an Op Shop High Tea.

Music and afternoon tea and tasty treats will be provided as part of the $20 admission fee. Tickets are limited and can be purchased online.

Hall committee member Selena Smith said guests who wear an op shop outfit have the chance to win a prize

“Prizes will be awarded for the most outrageous outfit as well as best male outfit and best female outfit,” Ms Smith said.

“Go vintage or go classic – pop to the op shops and support recycling

“A raffle will be run and all proceeds from the Hatherleigh Op Shop go to the running and maintenance of the 71-year-old hall.

“This event is run by the volunteers on the Hatherleigh community hall committee and we are grateful for your support to keep this small hall running.”

Her husband David and their son Campbell were willing to promote the event by posing for a photograph in their Op Shop bargain buys.

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