Hospital power source generates interest

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Hospital power source generates interest

Millicent and District Hospital has recently put its new backup generator and electrical distribution boards to good use.

Limestone Coast Local Health Network chief executive Emma Poland said the new generator was briefly in use on January 27.

“There was no disruption to care and services continued across the site as normal,” Ms Poland said.

“Mains power was restored a short time later.”

The outage occurred mid-morning but the operating theatres were not in use due to it being a public holiday.

The hospital upgraded its backup generator and electrical distribution boards in 2024 with the aim of safeguarding the hospital in the event of a loss of power.

At the time of its commissioning, a spokesperson for the Limestone Coast Local Health Network said the cost of the upgrade was not being publicly stated as the works were considered to be commercial-in-confidence.

Presiding member Dr Kevin McGrath told the 2024 annual general meeting of the Millicent Health Advisory Council the previous generator did not have the capacity to supply all areas of the site including the 60-bed Sheoak Lodge aged care facility.

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