In home care gets funding

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In home care gets funding

In Home Hospice Care (IHHC) has received a funding boost from the Aged Persons Welfare Foundation (APWF).

The funding will be instrumental in sustaining and expanding the service’s efforts to provide compassionate in-home care for individuals, families and carers dealing with life-limiting illnesses.

With over 80% of their clients aged 65 and older, IHHC’s mission is to preserve dignity, foster independence and improve the quality of life for members of rural communities.

IHHC manager Sandi Elliott thanked the APWF for the generous funding.

“IHHC is now positioned to broaden its reach to serve even more individuals in need with our focus on extending our services to residents of local aged care facilities and retirement homes,” she said.

“Funding will enable the expansion by supporting the recruitment, training and ongoing supervision of additional volunteers, enabling us to provide consistent and high-quality care to a larger segment of our rural population.

“Through our expanded services, we aim to ensure that every individual under our care can maintain their dignity and quality of life, regardless of their circumstances.”

Ms Elliott said in collaboration with key community stakeholders, such as seniors clubs, retirement homes and aged care facilities, IHHC aimed to continue to foster partnerships that enhance its capacity to deliver personalised care.

“This approach ensures that we can meet the unique needs of our ageing population and adapt our services to the specific cultural and social context of our rural community,” she said.

“With the support of the APWF, IHHC is committed to reducing the physical, emotional and financial burdens on elderly patients and carers in rural South Australia.

“Our vision is simple: no one facing a life-limiting condition should do so alone.”

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