Jamboree Scouts’ honour

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Jamboree Scouts’ honour

Agroup of Limestone Coast Scouts have attended the Australian Jamboree in Queensland this month.

Every four years, Scouts have the opportunity to attend an Australian Jamboree where they join 10,000 other young people and adult volunteers from around Australia and across the world for a 10 day camp.

Seven young Scouts and two leaders from the Limestone Coast were among those taking part in the 26th Australian Jamboree held at Maryborough.

Scouts from Mount Gambier, Lucindale and Naracoorte spent 10 days trying awesome activities, new challenges and enjoying endless opportunities to make friends for life.

The Jamboree site replicated a small city with everything you could possibly need, including an outdoor concert arena, activity zones, a marketplace, campsites, retail outlets, live entertainment, a medical centre and a media hub.

The campsites were made up of more than 200 units of 36 youth members and four leaders, who have their own self contained campsite.

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