KCA leadership visit sparks speculation

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KCA leadership visit sparks speculation

The future ownership of the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill is being questioned at the same time as a senior executive of its American owner visits the plant this week.

Supply chain manager Ganesh Krishnamurthy is based at the Kimberly-Clark Corporation Asia Pacific headquarters of the multinational company in Singapore.

It has oversight of more than 8000 Kimberly-Clark Corporation employees and over 45 office and manufacturing locations in the Asia Pacific region.

International media sources have been reporting in recent days the Kimberly-Clark Corporation of the USA is looking to sell its overseas tissue businesses including the 65-year-old Millicent Mill.

Furthermore, the sale of the overseas assets has reportedly attracted the interest of such major corporations as RGE and Suzano and could fetch as much as $4b.

Last March, the Kimberly-Clark Corporation announced it would reorganise into three business units to simplify operations and cut costs.

The company said it would incur about $1.5b in related costs over the next three years and workforce reductions were anticipated.

Meanwhile, the Kimberly-Clark Corporation will announce its annual results to the New York Stock Exchange next week.

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