KCA mill pay negotiations

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KCA mill pay negotiations

The largest union at the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill hopes to start some meetings in December and begin organising a new log of claims for its members.

The Pulp and Papermakers Division of the Construction, Forestry, Manufacturing, Mining and Energy Union has 270 members at the plant.

The other 130 workers on-site are either members of two other trade unions, contractors or KCA staff.

The current three-year enterprise agreement provided for a staged 9.5% pay rise and expires on June 30 of next year.

The CFMEU chief negotiator is expected to be Denise Campbell Burns who is based in Melbourne.

She is the secretary of the Pulp and Paper Workers District and elected President of the CFMEU Manufacturing Division.

Ms Campbell Burns is a director of First Super – the $3.5b industry superannuation fund for the timber; pulp and paper; furniture and joinery industries.

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