Liberal Party ‘blitzes’ region

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Liberal Party ‘blitzes’ region

The Liberal Party is “blitzing” five large South East towns next month in a bid to win back the seat of MacKillop from Liberal-turned-Independent Nick McBride at the March 2026 poll.

Key party figures from its parliamentary and administrative wings will visit Millicent, Naracoorte, Robe, Bordertown and Meningie from February 10-14.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the self-funded nightly dinners as well.

The so-called “Listening Tour” has been announced in a letter to members from Liberal Party MacKillop branch president Pastor Matthew Neumann.

“We are determined to keep the Liberal Party brand strong in the lead up to the next Federal and State elections,” Pastor Neumann said.

“We believe in a greater future and to see the Liberals come back into government. We are hosting a follow up MacKillop Listening Tour which (former MP) Nicolle Flint did a sensational job of a year ago.

“This gives such a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the locals about their priorities and matters of concerns in their own towns.

“I, in my capacity of president of the MacKillop branch, will be hosting each town tour, meeting with local Mayors and chief executives, a listening post at the local supermarkets, flyer drop to town shops and finish the day with a membership dinner.

“The Listening Tour is supported by Ben Hood MLC as our paired Member for MacKillop who will join the tour when his diary permits. Other special guests to join us at some of the dinners are SA Liberal State President Leah Blyth and former vice-president Thea Hennessey.

“It’s important we come together as Liberal members and also host opportunities to invite those along who might be interested to meet our Leaders of the Liberal Party and hear about current events.”

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