Liberal policy matters debated

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Liberal policy matters debated

There was much debate on policy matters by the 70 members of the Liberal Party who gathered at the Meningie Golf Club recently for the annual general meeting of the Barker Federal Electorate College.

The attendees included Member for Barker Tony Pasin and Upper House frontbenchers Ben Hood and Nicola Centofanti.

Mr Pasin said such forums were an important part of the political process.

“The great strength of the Liberal Party of Australia is the freedom of grassroots members to openly participate in discussions about their ideas and proposals for the party,” Mr Pasin said.

“At local Federal Electorate Colleges such as the recent Barker FEC annual general meeting, Liberal Party members are invited to present policies for consideration.

“From energy, health, transport, trade etc., all policy issues can be canvassed and debated.

“The outcome of those debates is forwarded to the Liberal Party of Australia (SA Division) State Executive for further input and consultation prior to consideration at the Liberal Party State Council.”

Mr Pasin won preselection last year to run for a fifth term with the next scheduled election around 12 months away.

The main office-bearers were re-elected unopposed with Sophie Wilksch continuing as FEC president and Lachlan Haynes as secretary.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Party’s MacKillop State Electoral College had held its annual general meeting at the Keith Golf Club earlier in the month with 50 in attendance.

There were no contested elections with Bordertown Highway Church minister Pastor Matt Neumann returned for a second year as the president.

Pastor Neumann expressed his regret that Member for MacKillop Nick McBride had quit the Liberal Party soon after the 2023 annual general meeting and became an Independent.

He said a swift response from the state parliamentary team saw Ben Hood MLC become the paired member for MacKillop.

“I must commend Ben on his diligence and time invested in MacKillop,” Pastor Matt said.

“Over the following months Ben facilitated numerous events including but not limited to Politics in the Pub, Seniors Cyber Security Forums, business leader dinner, etc.

“Bens’s enthusiasm and engaging manner has been appreciated and made mention of by many residents of MacKillop.

“As we draw closer to the MacKillop pre-selection it is imperative that as a State Electorate College we continue to build momentum through membership engagement, fundraising and strong policy platforms for our region.

“In doing this we give our Liberal candidate the best foundation to not only contest the seat of MacKillop at the next state election but to win it and see it once again returned as a strong Liberal safe seat.”

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