Liberals get busy across region

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Liberals get busy across region

Liberal senators Alex Antic and Leah Blyth had a busy round of engagements at Robe and Naracoorte last week.

The high point of the visit was a public meeting attended by 50 at the Robe Football Club.

Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin and MacKillop Electorate Committee president Matt Neumann were also present at the forum.

The host was new Robe Liberal Party president Jacqui Bateman who has succeeded James Yates in the role.

She said the forum comprised speeches from the two senators and then a question and answer period.

“Among the topics covered were the upcoming Federal election, the state of roads, the benefits of Liberal Party membership and the vaccination concerns raised by the Port Hedland Council,” Ms Bateman said.

“Senator Antic and Senator Blyth met with Robe Deputy Mayor Councillor Nick Brown as well as business operators and various groups associated with the lobster industry.

“They dined with 25 members of the Robe branch of the Liberal Party at a local restaurant.”

Ms Bateman said the pair met 30 members of the local branch of the Liberal Party at a private home in Naracoorte.

Afterwards they held talks with Naracoorte Lucindale Mayor Patrick Ross and members of his council.

It was Senator Blyth’s first visit to the region since filling a casual Senate vacancy in February.

She was elected State president of the Liberal Party in 2024.

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