Light shined on endometriosis

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Light shined on endometriosis

According to current data, about one in seven women suffer from endometriosis.

It causes chronic pain that dramatically impacts the lives of sufferers, including their work, family and study.

Diagnosis can be difficult and often take years.

The House of Assembly has established a Select Committee on Endometriosis to investigate the prevalence of this chronic illness, its impact on the lives of sufferers and the community.

There is significant research being undertaken in this area, especially in Adelaide.

Specialist clinics have recently been established in SA to help assist with pain management and endometriosis, funded by the Federal Government.

The committee is keen to hear about what is occurring and how it can help facilitate better and more effective treatment, as well as other support mechanisms such as social and /or employment support options.

Submissions from interested individuals and organisations are being sought, as well as registration of interest for anyone wanting to present to the committee.

The terms of reference for the inquiry are available on the Parliament of South Australia website – or by emailing

Generally, all submissions and evidence are made public unless otherwise indicated.

If you wish to make a confidential submission, please contact the Parliamentary Officer. Requests will be considered favourably.

Submission and expressions of interest to present to the committee are sought by May 31 to – Parliamentary officer, Select Committee on Endometriosis; Address: Parliament House, GPO Box 572, Adelaide, 5001. Email or contact 8237 9384 for more information.

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