Limestone Coast police gear up for New Year’s Eve beach patrols

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Limestone Coast police gear up for New Year’s Eve beach patrols

Limestone Coast police are encouraging people to bring in the New Year safely on the beaches.

Traditionally at turn of the calendar year, people flock to the South East to enjoy some rest and relaxation on the beaches.

Robe and Beachport are well known for their atmosphere on New Year’s Eve and are expected to be very popular places to visit with the forecast higher temperatures.

Police from Millicent and Robe, assisted by other police from Limestone Coast LSA, will be working across the holiday period to ensure people coming to the region are safe and enjoy what the region has to offer.

Local police would like remind people that the speed limit on the beaches is 40mkmh, and this reduces to 25kmh when within 50 metres of a pedestrian.

Police also encourage people heading to the beaches to be aware and prepare for tide times, as well as knowing what tracks are open for use. Police will be encouraging safe driving behaviour to ensure all public in the region can see in the new year safely.

Further information surrounding beach access can be found at

Acting Officer in charge of Limestone Coast LSA Inspector Will Humphris said the region generally sees an influx of beachgoers and campers to beaches surrounding Robe and Beachport between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

“Whilst most people do the right thing, we would like to remind the public that speed limits, along with drink and drug driving laws still apply on beaches and within the sand dunes and we encourage people to exercise caution at all times,” he said.

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