Lionesses’ night out helps in fight against childhood cancer

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Lionesses’ night out helps in fight against childhood cancer

Avolunteer organisation recently held a fundraiser supporting childhood cancer.

The Lions Club of Blue Lake City Lioness held a showing of the new Paddington in Peru recently at the Oatmill Cinema.

More than 80 people were in attendance for the family friendly movie which included a Paddington Bear display of memorabilia throughout the years.

A raffle was drawn on the night from raffle tickets where the first prize was a Paddington Bear from Paddington Station in London and second prize was a pair of Paddington Bear Crocs.

Three trays made up of a simple marmalade sandwich and a story about Paddington Bear and Marmalade were sold for $30.

Each attendee received a scone with jam and cream and a goodie bag which included a small jar of marmalade.

Lions Club of Blue Lake City Lioness co-president Wilmena Cousins said they received “nothing but good feedback” about the night which surpassed expectations.

“We were happy with the turnout considering it is a hard time of year with people and families away,” she said.

“We were really, really happy with it and everyone stood up and clapped at the end of the movie.”

Approximately $1500 was raised for Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation which was collected through movie and raffle ticket sales and donations.

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