Lions celebrate and congratulate CSC students

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Lions celebrate and congratulate CSC students

WE TRUST the people of Casterton and District were able to join Lions Club members in their enjoyment of the Christmas and New Year Celebrations with their families.

Thanks for the wonderful community support of the Lions Christmas Hamper Raffles.

The Lions Club celebrated the return to business forthe 2025 New Year with their 16 January Dinner Meeting at the Lions Club Rooms.

Our guests for this dinner were the Casterton Secondary 2024 College Duces, Amy Crauford and Abbey Munro and their families.

Like so many families and local businesses, our Anglican Hall Clubrooms also joined the insurance companies’ queues as they waited for the repair of their storm damaged roof.

Each year Casterton Secondary College recognises the achievements of its leaders in its two Year 12 academic streams – the traditional Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the Vocational Major (VM).

The VCE Dux from Casterton Secondary College for 2024 is Amy Crauford.

Amy has distinguished herself as an exceptional student at Casterton Secondary College, earning numerous academic awards throughout her educational journey.

Her dedication to her study has been rewarded by this fantastic achievement. Amy studied Chemistry, Biology, English, Legal Studies and General Mathematics. Amy has been accepted into a Bachelor of Law at the Deakin University.

Casterton Secondary College’s VM (Vocational Major) Dux for 2024 is Abbey Munro.

Abbey is a well deserving student of the VM award.

Her diligence and willingness to take on any challenge and to produce work to her highest level has been commendable.

Through the VM certificate Abbey has been completing a School based traineeship at Edgarley with her first year based around Leisure and Lifestyle and then second year as a Personal Carer.

Abbey is continuing her traineeship at Edgarly as a Personal Carer and hopes to eventually move into a career in Nursing and Paramedics.

Congratulations Amy and Abbey.

Your academic successes in 2024 are most praiseworthy and fully deserving of the Lions Club of Casterton January 2025 Sports and Achiever awards.

The Lions Club wishes you well in your future career aspirations.

The Lions Club has a number of events on the calendar in the coming weeks.

These include our Thursday, 6 February Business Meeting.

Sunday, 9 February sees the Zone 10 Picnic at the Portland Lions Club Fauna Park at 15 Bridgewater Rd, Portland; time is 12noon.

Zone Clubs include Casterton, Dartmoor, Heywood, Merino Digby and Portland.

The 20 February Dinner Meeting is scheduled for the Bahgallah Hall.

On Saturday, 22 February we will be servicing the entrance gates at the Heywood Wood Wine and Roses Festival.

The Sandford Music Festival takes place during the Labour Day weekend in March and Lions Club will be assisting with some of the catering for this busy community event.

May 23 is the date for the return of the Lions Club Debutante Ball at the Casterton Town Hall.

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