‘Lost’ ball gives rare surprise

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‘Lost’ ball gives rare surprise

Golfer Jock Agnew achieved the ultimate thrill with a hole-in-one at Beachport on Saturday.

His ace came on the 9th hole on Saturday whilst playing with wife Sue and Karen and Lyall (“Spinner”) MacGregor.

A club online scribe explained the circumstances behind the shot.

“There was no great celebration as they did not know the ball had gone in,” the scribe said.

“Even walking up to the green, Jock could see a ball at back of the of the green and thought that was it.

“Breaking a cardinal rule of golf, ‘never use an Ace ball again’, Jock proceeded to ‘mount’ said ball in a Norfolk Island pine tree on the 13th hole.

“Funnily enough, Jock was able to identify his ball in the tree during his round on the following day.”

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