Meat the great unifier

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Meat the great unifier

Australia’s favourite lamb ad is back and it is “roasting the comments section” as part of this year’s Summer Lamb Campaign brought to you by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).

Fighting over everything like the ethics of dog grooming to how to make a cup of tea, Australians seem to be perpetually stuck in the social media comments section. 

That is until the ultimate unifier, the humble lamb cutlet, appears to remind us that we have more in common and are much kinder than we realise.

MLA General Manager for Marketing and Insights Nathan Low said the Summer Lamb campaign showcases lamb as the protein that brings Aussies together.

“When you delve into the world of online commentary, it would leave you thinking we’re all at each other’s throats, no matter how trivial the topic,” Mr Low said.

“But in real life, we do not treat each other like that. 

“The Summer Lamb campaign is an irreverent reminder that we’re at our best when we’re united, and there’s no better way to bring everyone together than an Aussie lamb barbecue.”

The annual lamb ad comes off the back of another incredible year for lamb production in Australia. For the year to September 2024, Australia produced 488,566 tonnes of lamb meat. 

This was almost as high as the number reached for the full year of 2023, which was the highest on record.

MLA’s Sheep Industry Projections update in September 2024 said that 2024’s lamb slaughter is projected to beat the 2023 record, climbing to 27.7 million head. 

This is due to 2024 having the highest national sheep flock since 2007, corresponding to increasingly high slaughter and production numbers.

“As producers have continued to send their lambs to the market leading into Summer, we can expect plenty of lamb on the shelves as the campaign launches,” Mr Low said.

“Consumers have also continued to show their support for lamb on the back of these campaigns. For example, during the six-week campaign in 2024, purchase volume increased 18.9% compared to the previous year and purchase volume per trip increased 9% compared to the previous year.

“We hope Aussies enjoy the ad and it prompts them to share the lamb in 2025. Leave us a nice comment while you are at it.”

Created by Droga5 ANZ, part of Accenture Song, and directed by Max Barden from The Sweetshop, the ad was created with 100% real Australian comments sourced from online platforms including Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, Facebook and YouTube.

To view the full 2025 Summer Lamb Campaign ad visit The Comments Section | 2025 Lamb Ad

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