Meeting to fire up NYE

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Meeting to fire up NYE

A meeting will be held this weekend in an attempt to reinvigorate the annual New Year’s Eve celebrations in Mount Gambier after the event was unfortunately cancelled last year, much to the dismay of the community.

The Mount Gambier Community Events committee, which organises the event, said that the cancellation was due to a number of circumstances including a lack of volunteers, a loss of funding for the event and rising costs.

Mount Gambier Community Events chair Scott Turner said the main issue the group faces in putting on the event in 2024 and onwards is a lack of volunteers.

“The one positive outcome was that hopefully we will get some attention to actually get enough of a group together to keep it going in the future,” he said.

“The plan is to put a new committee together to see if we can make the event happen again.

“It really depends on people turning up on Saturday and willing to put the work in.

“We need to get a lot of the initial planning done in the next month or two.”

Mr Turner said the loss of volunteers was due to burnout, most of whom were on the committee for over five years.

“They have spent so long volunteering that they don’t have the time anymore or are moving on in age and there is a lack of interest from younger members of the community in putting work in to make things like this happen,” he said.

“At one point we were up to 12 members but we were trying to run the last one with three of us.

“The few of us that were there … got pretty sick and had family that got sick so we weren’t able to put in the time that we needed to.”

The meeting will take place at 6pm this Saturday in the members room at the Mount Gambier Community RSL.

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