Mesonet likely to avoid shutdown

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Mesonet likely to avoid shutdown

The future of the Mesonet weather network is looking more promising, after initial concerns that it may close at the end of the year.

The Mesonet infrastructure was built for farming communities to help prevent spray drift damage, and to also provide real-time high-quality weather data in agricultural regions in the gaps between Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) stations.

The Mesonet infrastructure also importantly provides information for fire safety at time of harvest.

COtL Mesonet directors earlier this week confirmed that discussions were leading towards a more certain future for the SA Mesonet, to avoid shutdown.

COtL Mesonet general manager Damon Grace said that negotiations were ongoing.

“Such an outcome would provide certainty and longevity, and would therefore allow investment in the promotion of the Mesonet’s value and encourage potential large partner organisations to officially ingest the Mesonet’s high-quality weather data,” he said.

The Mesonet data can continue to be viewed on its website at

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