Milestone celebration

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Milestone celebration

The ranks of centenarians at Millicent have recently grown with Kath Kent reaching the milestone.

One of 11 children in the Irvine family of Chandada on Eyre Peninsula, Ms Kent came into this world at Streaky Bay Hospital on March 24, 1925.

Just after the end of World War II, she met and married returned soldier “Jack” Kent and moved to his home town of Millicent.

They raised a family of four daughters and one son with “Jack” passing away in 2016 at the age of 93.

Ms Kent has been active in many community groups and has raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities and community projects.

Her efforts were recognised as she is the only Millicent Senior Citizen of the Year to receive this accolade twice.

The Kent family are well-known for their Christmas decorations and lights at their Wiltshire Street home.

The 100th birthday milestone was marked with an afternoon tea at the Millicent RSL Hall with a large number of family members, friends and well-wishers in attendance.

On display was a letter of congratulations to Ms Kent from Their Majesties King Charles and Queen Camilla.

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