MiniRoos action ready to kick off

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MiniRoos action ready to kick off

The Limestone Coast Football Association will kick off its MiniRoos competition at MGA Park and Apollo Football Club tomorrow night.

The program is designed to introduce and help youngsters who are new to soccer or who have already played before, improve and develop their skills across a wide range of ages from under 6, 8 and 11.

Limestone Coast Football Association chief executive Bruno Vadori said he was predicting another year of large numbers of players participating across all teams.

“We have always had great numbers with the MiniRoos over the years,” he said.

“It’s probably one of the strongest categories of players and it’s quite good that we get a lot of new players every year.

“People move away or go and do other things but we always seem to attract new blood every year which is great to get more people playing.”

Vadori is looking forward to the season and seeing the young players develop and build a sense of commodity at their clubs.

“It’s just introducing these kids to the game and improving their skill level,” he said.

“A couple of years ago we introduced we introduced a home and away series so it brings it back to the club so they can put a barbecue on and things like that and so their kids feel part of the club and not just wearing a top for a game.

“They then go through into the club and we’re seeing lots of these kids go through MiniRoos and continue on because they feel a part of the club.”

Games will kick off at 6.45pm tomorrow with Apollo taking on Blue Lake at Apollo while Gambier Centrals host International.

The season will wrap up with a carnival with a charity chosen to support, with this year’s event being planned for a Friday night.

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