Minister commits to talks

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Minister commits to talks

Health Minister Chris Picton has promised to come to Millicent for face-to-face talks with doctors from the local clinic.

They ceased to staff the Millicent and District Hospital accident and emergency department and in-patient wards several years ago and locums now fill these roles.

However, the Medical Clinic Millicent continues to provide medical services to the 60-bed Sheoak Lodge aged care facility attached to the hospital.

The assurance from Minister Picton was given last month to a three-person delegation from Wattle Range Council comprising its Mayor Des Noll, chief executive Ben Gower and ward councillor David Walshaw.

A verbal report on the ministerial meeting was given to the January monthly council meeting on Tuesday by Cr Walshaw who is a retired senior health administrator.

Cr Walshaw said concerns and challenges were raised with Minister Picton and his promise to come to Millicent represented a solid outcome.

According to Cr Walshaw, Limestone Coast Local Health Network chief executive Emma Pollard would also attend the meeting with the partners who own and operate the Medical Clinic Millicent.

He said Ms Pollard would assist with operational matters.

“We want to bring the partners back onside,” Cr Walshaw said.

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