Minister heads back to the pulpit

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Minister heads back to the pulpit

Avariety of life experiences is assisting the visiting minister who is currently leading Anglican congregations at Millicent, Penola, Kalangadoo, Robe and Kingston.

Father Alex Bainton has come out of retirement at Victor Harbor to spend one week per month in the South East.

The arrangement began in March and will continue until November when a new resident parish priest arrives.

As well as the customary Sunday and mid-week church services, preparing sermons and visiting parishioners and others in need, Father Alex has been calling at aged care homes.

Father Alex has also led a Holy Communion service recently in the Diva Room at Boneham Aged Care Services in Millicent.

There were 15 worshippers in attendance from various denominations and afternoon tea followed.

The aged care facility regularly hosts church services from the various church denominations.

Ordained in 1976, Father Alex has served the church in four parishes in suburban Adelaide as well as Kangaroo Island, Strathalbyn and Victor Harbor.

His wife Cheryl supports him in his ministry.

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