More girls step up to the crease

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More girls step up to the crease

Afirst of its kind sporting competition is being introduced to the South East by a national sporting body in a bid to encourage more women to play the male dominated sport.

The South Australian Cricket Association (SACA) is trialling a social cricket competition for women from 5-18 years old and inviting mothers and female caregivers to get involved.

The program will take place at Frew Park every Wednesday from 4-5pm starting February 12 until the foreseeable future, depending on interest.

The initiative is being led by SACA South East Country Cricket Officer Laura Chester who said it will be a safe and encouraging environment for girls to come and have a go regardless of their level of experience.

“It is a new concept from Cricket Australia so they are bringing it about to hopefully grow the participation of girls in cricket in a non-competitive way,” she said.

“It’s just a starting point for that age group where you find especially in cricket there is nothing for the girls that age so just trying to give them an opportunity.

“You do not play on the pitch; you play on the outfield and there’s double scoring zones and it’s a softer ball.

“It’s just a great way to start girls off exposing them to cricket and then see what it’s like and I think everyone feels like playing with boys is very overwhelming.

“I think you find the 12-16 year old girls will drop off a little bit due to a number of reasons but hopefully having a competition where there’s no boys and there’s no expectation attached to it might be a little bit more encouraging.

“We have got a women’s league so we encourage them to come and give it a go and if they want to play a more competitive style then they can play women’s competition cricket.”

The South East Cricket Women’s Cricket Association played their first game last Sunday with North Sportsmans, Mil Lel and Naracoorte cricket clubs taking part.

“We have got a big vision for the area,” Miss Chester said.

“We have got our current women’s league as well but we are only at three teams at the moment so trying to find that fourth team whether that be just a mixture of people or it’s an actual team from somewhere.

“At the moment we have got to maintain what we have got but definitely plan in the near future to create a fourth and maybe fifth team.”

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