Mount Gambier recreation haven

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Mount Gambier recreation haven

Astream of recreation vehicles have started converging on Mount Gambier as the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia prepares to host its national rally.

Australia’s largest RV Club will spend eight days in the Limestone Coast for its 37th national rally from September 22.

The club’s rally team, including national headquarters, management, coordinators and a team of 210 volunteers, will visit sites across the region, while making their base at Mount Gambier’s showgrounds.

The rally was last held in Mount Gambier in 2006, and this year there will be 262 first timers joining in the activities.

Up to 1000 vehicles are expected to attend the rally, with activities including seminars, entertainment and market stalls.

There will be an open day on September 28, with members of the public able to visit the campsite, while later that day the group will host a rally ball with the theme “Spring has Sprung”.

Meanwhile more than 20 stores associated with the Mount Gambier Chamber of Commerce are offering exclusive specials to CMCA members during the rally week.

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