Munro’s ‘massive’ 45

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Munro’s ‘massive’ 45

ON A very warm day the competition was played with a 9 o’clock hit off to avoid the hottest part of the day.

Still a good field of 22 players fronted up for the Stableford round sponsored by Steve Hindson.

Winner on the day was Hayden Munro (29) with a massive 45 points and following up his win on Wednesday.

Just check his handicap next week when he has to play off 22.

Runner up was Brett Van As (30) with 41 points.

Nearest the pins went to Gary Hegarty on the 2nd, Ken Dancey on the 8th, Gary Carlin on the 13th and Neville Wombwell 17th.

Second shot on the 9th went to Troy O’Connell.

Quite a few fines were handed out with four and three putts prevalent and one player hitting a wrong ball.

Three players in one group were even fined for laughing at the frustrated antics of a fellow player – mind you he did have four putts after landing on the green for two.

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