Near record auction price for Beachport property

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Near record auction price for Beachport property

A near record price for a South East church of $546,000 was paid at auction at Beachport this morning (Saturday).

The Beachport Uniting Church came close to the record set by the former St Thomas Anglican Church at Port MacDonnell in 2021.

Erected on a 1000 square metre block in Foster Street in 1966, the Beachport Uniting Church was closed last year due to a dwindling congregation.

The Uniting Church Property Trust engaged The Professionals and freelance auctioneer David Herbert to sell the property.

There were three open inspections and a number of private viewings.

The auction attracted 150 onlookers including 15 who formally registered as bidders.

A number of past parishioners were present including Max Blacketer who was the Beachport Church Council secretary at the time of its erection 59 years ago.

The foundation stone had been laid by his late grandfather and was now in the safe keeping of the Beachport National Trust for its museum.

Anglican Church lay readers Mike Bleby and “Fred” Smith attended the sale as they had conducted services in the Uniting church after “their” St Nicholas Church was closed and sold in 2019.

At the auction, Mr Herbert said it was a non-residential sale and so stamp duty of $10,000- $15,000 was not payable.

He said the Valuer-General had assessed the property and it had a value for rating purposes of $500,000.

Mr Herbert said the property currently had a zoning for use as a church or seminary but added that a re-zoning for residential purposes was achievable.

The auctioneer said he had anticipated a return of $500,000-$600,000.

Mr Herbert accepted an opening bid of $400,000 and 17 others quickly followed.

Midway through the auction, Mr Herbert indicated the reserve price had been passed.

The final two bidders were underbidder and Sebastopol Machinery Service proprietor Phil Altschwager and James Green.

He owns the neighbouring property known as “Koniak House”.

Speaking to The SE Voice after the sale, Mr Green said he had no definite plans at the moment for the former church.

Mr Green said he regarded his purchase as an investment.

Four generations of the Green family then posed for a photo at the front of the church.

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