New look seniors month celebration

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New look seniors month celebration

Seniors Month will be revamped by Wattle Range Council on a trial basis this year following endorsement of a staff report by elected members at their recent meeting.

The 2024 program had over 20 events across the region including Kalangadoo and Glencoe and almost 550 participants.

Running for around 30 years, the high point was Millicent community volunteer Wendy Thomson being named as the Senior of The Year at the McLaughlin Park clubrooms of the Millicent Football Netball Club.

Numerous other community volunteers have been recognised in this time with Millicent resident Kath Kent being the only dual winner to date.

Development Services director Emma Clay said the Seniors Month Working Group have since met and analysed feedback received from the month-long event over the last few years.

Ms Clay said many participants of the Seniors Month have stated that while the influx of events for Seniors in October is lovely, it would be more practical if some of the events were spread over the remainder of the year.

She said the full month of events can be tiring and there are not a lot of other Seniors events in the remainder of the year.

“Additionally, many other councils host just Seniors Week as opposed to a full month,” Ms Clay said.

“The Seniors Month Working group and council staff would like to trial a new format for Seniors’ events in Wattle Range Council -where a “Seniors Week” of activities is offered in October over a week-long period.

“During this time, a program of Seniors-only events is launched for the next 12-month period.

“It is envisaged that 6-10 events would be planned for the calendar year, effectively spreading the events and resources currently allocated to Seniors Month over the entire year.

“This will allow for better planning of events, greater participation of Seniors in the region and assist with council staff resourcing.

“The annual program of Seniors’ events could be launched at the new Seniors Week opening event.”

Ms Clay was on leave when her report was tabled at the December monthly council meeting but her views were endorsed by the chamber without debate.

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