New owners for commercial property

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New owners for commercial property

There has been a change of ownership of a major Millicent commercial property after more than 70 years.

Electrical contractors Lonergan and Muhovics Pty Ltd have moved to the North Terrace site formerly owned and occupied by Thompson Drilling.

It is directly opposite the new $10m office being built for Wattle Range Council.

Three generations of the Thompson family have operated various enterprises on the site.

It was purchased from the town’s gravedigger Bert Dodge in August 1953 by Hector Charles Moulton Thompson.

The selling and repairing of cars, selling of fuel etc went on for many years until the Thompsons sold that part of the business to local interests.
By then Thompsons were purely into drilling for water and mineral exploration.

At its height, Thompson Drilling had a workforce of 75.

The company scaled back its operations in 2016.

Both Lonergan and Muhovics and Thompson Drilling are members of the Millicent Business Community Association Hall of Fame.

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