Offroaders push limits on beaches

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Offroaders push limits on beaches

Drivers on the sand at Robe’s Long Beach are disobeying the speed limits according to a senior council official.

Such vehicular access to the beach bordering several kilometres of Guichen Bay is a rarity and attracts hundreds of vehicles each day at the height of the tourist season.

However, the antics of many motorists has dismayed Dave Worthley who is the Robe District Council director of infrastructure and operations.

“It has been observed there were many issues on Long Beach with drivers not obeying the 40kph and 25kph zones,” wrote Mr Worthley in a report to council.

“However, this is something that will be raised as a concern to SA Police while acknowledging their resourcing challenges over the busy period.”

Otherwise, Mr Worthley said there were less tourist-related behaviour concerns over the festive season.

“The New Years Eve clean-up was done by the Robe Council Works Team and General Inspectors, and it was great to see minimal rubbish and damage from vandalism with only a few minor issues,” he said.

“This is a good indication of the improved social behaviour.

“There was minimal camping on the beaches and reserves which is an improvement on previous years.

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