Opposition calls for farmer support

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Opposition calls for farmer support

The State Opposition is calling on the Premier to support South Australian farmers by committing funding to Mesonet prescriptions.

The Mesonet infrastructure was built for farming communities to help prevent spray drift damage, and to also provide real-time high-quality weather data in agricultural regions in the gaps between Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) stations.

The Mesonet infrastructure also importantly provides information for fire safety at time of harvest.

After an article was published in The SE Voice last week, the Opposition has become aware of correspondence between Mesonet and their customers stating that, due to a lack of ongoing funding sources, they are looking to cease functioning just prior to Christmas.

Shadow Minister for Primary Industries Dr Nicola Centofanti MLC said this was “another blow to farmers they cannot afford”.

“Our farming communities rely on these weather stations, not just to ensure good stewardship with farming practices but also for fire safety reasons. These stations have absolutely prevented significant grass fires in our regions since their inception five years ago, thanks to their technology,” she said.

“The government must step up and look to take on the cost of running these stations, particularly in the wake of the dry season.

“Primary producers are currently on their knees with a range of issues including drought, frost and market conditions, and many cannot currently afford the prescription fee.

“We are heading into a period of high fire risk and this technology is critical for farmers across the state. I am calling on the Premier Peter Malinauskas and Clare Scriven to ensure that funding is provided to enable this important technology to continue and to ensure the infrastructure is not wasted.

“The dollar value on benefits to industries such as the wine industry with the use of this technology speaks for itself.”

Dr Centofanti said a decision needs to be made quickly.

“Time is running out for farmers around this state. The Premier must step up and do so as soon as possible,” she said.

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