Passionate community visitor scheme supporters sought

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Passionate community visitor scheme supporters sought

The Community Visitor Scheme (CVS) is seeking to recruit more volunteers in and around Mount Gambier who are passionate about contributing to upholding the rights of people accessing mental health services or residing in Department of Human Services’ Disability Services (housing) here in South Australia.

The volunteer-led program provides independent oversight and refers to advocacy services to achieve the best possible quality of life and care for people receiving mental health services and living in state-run disability services.

The CVS is looking for more people to grow the current pool of talented and committed volunteers who can give their time, skills and energy to make a difference.

People with good communication skills who are passionate about supporting people through visiting and advocacy and who are studying, working part-time or no longer working full-time are particularly sought.

The scheme provides full support and training to volunteers, with the next training session scheduled to be held in Adelaide on Wednesday, July 17 and Thursday, July 18.

Further information can be found at or by calling 1800-606-302.

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