Penola pair’s ‘working holiday’ helps lift communities out of poverty

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Penola pair’s ‘working holiday’ helps lift communities out of poverty

If you happen to go into the local Penola supermarket in April and notice two familiar staff members not there, you will be right.

Di Klemm and Sally Moore are embarking on a trip of a lifetime to Cambodia, as part of the “Cows for Cambodia” program.

The program first started in 2016 and the success has been overwhelming.

Both women discussed going on a holiday together and when this opportunity came up they decided to participate.

The program lends families a pregnant cow and the family must look after it and when it gives birth to a calf, they get to keep the calf and the cow is then returned ready to go out to another family.

Both women said they were looking forward to the experience.

“It is not a handout, but a plan to help poverty, so much so the long term goal is to have 1000 cows in the project which will make Cows for Cambodia one of Asia’s biggest agriculture charity projects,” they said.

Sally and Di will learn about the village culture and will work with the cows and families, plus participate in vaccinations and pregnancy testing of the cows at the farm.

They will also have the opportunity to cook a nutritious hot meal for 400 students at one of the local village schools, help run an English lesson for the kids, and help build a house for a family in need.

Another event they will participate in will be the world-famous rice run, delivering over 3000kg of rice to those who need it most.

Along with their chores there will also be plenty of time for sightseeing.

There are fundraising tins at the Penola Foodland and the Penola Recycling depot, and throughout the month of March the Penola Op shop will donate all their takings on a Tuesday to this great cause.

The journey will start on April 6.

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