Penola sports hub scores $1.4m grant

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Penola sports hub scores $1.4m grant

The Penola Football Club and Community Sports Hub is set to benefit from a $1.4m Federal Government grant to upgrade its facilities.

The club has been allocated the funding through the Growing Regions Program, designed to fund building or upgrades of social infrastructure.

The funding will be used to redevelop the Penola Football Club and Community Sports Hub to be more accessible, flexible, sustainable and able to continue into the future.

The grants program also allocated $3.5m to the Kingston District Council to deliver a new childcare centre in Kingston including a nature-based outdoor play space, indoor education environment and consultation offices for child allied health services.

Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King announced the funding yesterday afternoon.

“Whether sports clubs or community hubs, parks or pools, social infrastructure is the backbone of connected societies,” she said.

“From the Limestone Coast to the APY Lands, the Albanese Government is delivering the infrastructure our regions need, investing millions into South Australia to ensure it can thrive.”

Senator for South Australia Karen Grogan said the funding would deliver infrastructure that increases community cohesion, liveability and accessibility.

“We are investing $3.5m in the Kingston Childcare and Child services project to deliver a new childcare centre, consultation offices for child allied health service professionals, and a designated space for children’s playgroups and family members,” she said.

“The Penola community will get improvements to the facilities at the Penola Football Club and Community Sports Hub with Albanese Government funding of $1.4m for the redevelopment.

“The Albanese Government is investing $508,000 in the Tailem Bend Precinct Plan which will progress planning for the 10th Street Housing Development and for streetscape upgrades of the main street, highway corridor and connecting areas.”

Fellow Senator for South Australia Don Farrell said the infrastructure would support the regions to prosper.

“From families in Kingston and budding athletes in Penola, to residents in Tailem Bend and small businesses across the Mid Murray, we are investing in local communities,” he said.

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