People power put to the test

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People power put to the test

Mount Gambier will this weekend host round one of the UniSA Australian HPV Super Series, one of the most exciting and highly anticipated events in the world of human powered vehicle racing.

The series is a unique opportunity for teams to showcase their skills and compete against one another in a series of challenging races.

The series is organised by the Australian International Pedal Prix Inc and consists of six rounds of racing, each with different durations ranging from six to 24 hours.

The AHPVSS is a unique and exciting competition that challenges the design, building and racing of human-powered vehicles.

It attracts participants from around the country and has become a premier event for schools and open teams in the Australian engineering and innovation community, featuring a range of categories, catering to school and community groups of different age groups.

The first round will be held on Saturday at Mount Gambier’s McNamara Park circuit.

This year’s race will be an eight-hour super series race, providing plenty of racing action for spectators and competitors alike.

The race is scheduled to start at 9am and will run until 6pm.

Racers will compete on the 2.4km circuit, which offers a range of features that will test their skills and provide an exciting challenge.

The Mac Park circuit offers a variety of challenging features that will test the limits of racers, including fast straights, sweeping bends and a range of technical downhill and uphill sections.

Racers will need to have excellent bike handling skills, speed and stamina to navigate the circuit successfully, in what promises to be an exciting and action-packed event.

The UniSA Australian HPV Super Series provides an excellent opportunity for competitors to show off their skills and compete against other top racers.

The series is highly competitive, and racers can expect to face tough competition in each round of the series.

At the end of each round, winners in each category will receive awards in recognition of their achievement.

This provides an added incentive for racers to perform their best and strive for success in each race.

For 2023, after the first time in four years a full Series has been run, the previous year’s seven category winners have been awarded the coveted single digit race numbers to adorn their machines, signifying their top performances.

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