Police seize guns and ammo

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Police seize guns and ammo

Police have arrested a man after locating firearms and drugs at an Avenue Range property earlier this week.

Officers attended a property to conduct a search at 10.30am on Monday, following an investigation.

Police searched a shipping container locating multiple firearms, ammunition, a pistol crossbow and cannabis plant.

A 57-year-old man from Naracoorte was charged with possess a prescribed firearm, possess a firearm without a licence, possess ammunition without a license, contravene the Firearms Code of Practice, possess a prohibited weapon and refusing to answer questions under the Firearms Act.

The male was arrested and bailed to appear in the Naracoorte Magistrates Court on April 2.

Anyone with information about illegal firearms, or the possession, sale or distribution of illicit substances is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at www.crimestopperssa.com.au or phone 1800 333 000 – your details will remain anonymous.

Meanwhile, a man has lost his licence after being caught drink driving more than double the legal limit over the weekend.

Just before 10.30pm on Saturday, Limestone Coast police stopped a Toyota Hilux on Grundy’s Lane at Allendale East for a mobile driver test.

The driver, a 35-year-old local man, was breath tested where he returned a positive result of 0.106.

The man was reported for drink driving and will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date. He was also issued a six-month immediate loss of licence.

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