Pool report prepared

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Pool report prepared

Astaff report about public usage of the Nangwarry swimming pool is currently being prepared by Wattle Range Council.

Sorby Adams ward councillor Dale Price had queried the declining numbers at the November monthly council meeting and suggested a review.

The subsequent coverage in The SE Voice had prompted disquiet amongst sections of the Nangwarry community who regard the pool as a town “icon”.

Council’s Engineering Services Director Peter Halton told The SE Voice that a staff report will be presented to the council in the New Year in response to the questions raised by Cr Price.

“The report will detail attendance at both the Penola and Nangwarry swimming pools (we do not capture this for the swimming lake), weather conditions and any event or activity may have driven attendance (e.g. the presence of the inflatable obstacle course),” Mr Halton said.

“I have spoken with Cr Price about his questions.

“Cr Price has confirmed that he has no intention of seeking a change to the opening hours at Nangwarry for the 2024/25 pool season.

“He would simply like to know what is supporting good attendance and how we can continue to improve the utilisation of all the swimming facilities.”

Council met in Millicent on Tuesday night for its December monthly meeting but the Nangwarry swimming pool was not discussed.

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