Raw experience laid bare on new album

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Raw experience laid bare on new album

Mount Gambier singer and songwriter Alison Newman is getting excited – with her new album to be released at the end of this month.

Alison has been working on new music for about 2.5 years, with five new tracks due to be released between now and October on the album titled WOLF.

“WOLF is a five track EP, a deep dive into the uncomfortable subject of post natal depression,” she said.

“The Wolf plays the role of the PND and I am akin to Little Red Riding Hood.

I am taken over by the Wolf, consumed and destroyed.

“After the birth of my first child in 2015 I knew I was experiencing PND but never acknowledged it and never sought help.

“I was diagnosed after the fact.

“Fast forward seven years later when I had my second child, I experienced an incredibly traumatic birth, culminating in an emergency C section, which amost claimed my child’s life and left me with PTSD.

“The Wolf really came to get me, and I suffered severe PND.

“This time I sought help and with that help from many health professionals, medication and family support. was able to recover over time.”

Alison said each track covers a different element or experience in her journey of her PND.

“The tracks run cronologically, so listening to the EP from start to finish will tell the entire story, from first realising it was back to returning to a normal life,” she said.

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“My production team was based in Spain and Argentina, with my vocals recorded at home in Mount Gambier,” she said.

“The songs are in the style of a dark pop, full of melodromatic sounds, using effects to create the scene and tell the story, and layered vocals and harmonies to add more drama.

“I am a big believer in talking about mental health and breaking the stigma that goes along with it.

“I recorded a podcast with local mental health help group Lifeboat SE, in April 2019, I am also proud to be a community ambassador for the group.

“I am so passionate about sharing stories of creative mothers and the intersection of creativity and the mothering role.

“I do so through my podcast The Art of Being a Mum, which has been out since June 2021.”

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