Repair cafe to return

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Repair cafe to return

Following a successful trial last year, Millicent’s innovative Repair Café has returned at a set time in 2025.

After a slow start, the repair cafe’s popularity waxed and waned over the six-month trial with between four and 16 household items repaired each time.

Electrical items were not fixed, but volunteers were on hand to help with mending, woodwork, metalwork and other handiwork skills.

The Millicent Repair Cafe will now be held between 10am and noon on the third Saturday of each month at the Men’s Shed in Fifth Street.

The Repair Cafe has been an initiative of the Wattle Range Council Climate Change Committee as a way of reducing landfill.

Backing has also come from the Millicent Men’s Shed and the Millicent Arts and Crafts Group.

Men’s Shed spokesman Chris Mathias was pleased to take a brief break from a repair task to show The SE Voice around the busy complex.

He said the newly constructed metalwork room was currently bring fitted out with new equipment and tools and an official opening was expected next month.

He pointed out the concrete slab which is the base of a new workshop/studio for the Millicent Arts and Crafts Group.

“The Community Garden is currently producing large and varied amounts of vegetables and they are donated to at the Millicent Community Centre,” Mr Mathias said.

A proud member of the 14-strong Limestone Coast Model Railway Group, Mr Mathias is delighted with the interior transformation of its headquarters.

The displays are located in a nondescript building which began life 42 years ago as the toilet block for the Millicent BMX track.

Thanks to the efforts of tradesmen and volunteers, the building has been lined, electrical systems upgraded and a kitchenette and air conditioner.

A new sign promoting the group is in the style of British Railways.

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