Restoration expert hosts museum tours

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Restoration expert hosts museum tours

The long association between the Millicent National Trust Museum and Adelaide resident Peter Foster continues.

Mr Foster is an acknowledged expert in the restoration of horse-drawn vehicles and his hands-on involvement in Millicent’s collection spans three decades.

As part of Seniors Month on Sunday, he ran free tours of the 100-strong collection and explained some of their back stories. 

Furthermore, dozens of locals and tourists were able to have a rare look inside the on-site workshop where Mr Foster oversees their restoration with National Trust members and other volunteers.

Of particular interest was a rare preacher’s van which arrived two months ago.

Millicent National Trust chairman Barry Long has acknowledged Mr Foster’s efforts in staging the tours.

Tour participant and Millicent resident Alice Cruickshanks was also grateful.

“I have never seen inside the horse-drawn vehicle restoration workshop or seen the Helen Hughes Costume Collection,” she said.

“It is a few years since I was here and I like the new pathways and improved signage and labelling.”

As with many other Seniors Month events, the free museum tours were sponsored by Wattle Range Council with free morning and afternoon teas served in the Dr David Harris Room.

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