Rock the Rails to Return

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Rock the Rails to Return

Millicent is set to stage Rock on the Rails again in 2025 with the capacity almost trebling to 1000.

Rock on the Rails was staged for 10 hours on December 7 in the former Millicent railyards and drew an appreciative and capacity audience of 400.

It is a grass-roots music festival which celebrated live and local music for all ages and was a fundraiser for community radio station 5THE FM which leases the station building

The outdoors concert featured several live acts and all performers donated their time.

Pop-up food and beverage stalls were on-site and many concert goers proudly wore custom-printed “Rock on the Rails” T-shirts.

Personnel from Teagles Excavations prepared the ground while security fencing was lent by Wattle Range Council.

The council also provided a cash grant.

5THE FM board chairman David Walshaw said there was a great demand for tickets and plans were in place for a much larger capacity in 2025.

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