Alocal sharp shooter has added another trophy to his cabinet, having had a successful few months.
Ron Rook has been a member of the South East Field and Game Inc Association since the early 1990s.
He has represented Australia on the national team eight times in the last 41 years, kicking off his national career in 1983.
His latest run of success stared in March, when after a great weekend of shooting he claimed the first place trophy at the Brisbane Sporting Clay’s FIASC Grand Prix, with a score of 170/200.
Then, after a long drive to Mudgee for the FITASC Oceania, Rook finished in first place in Veterans once again with a score of 149/200, after some very challenging targets.
From there he travelled to the US for the 46th World Championship at Hudson, Wisconsin.
The event featured four days of shooting while competing against some of the world’s best shooters.
Rook emerged from the club house of Game Unlimited after consuming many serves of free popcorn, with people calling his name out to stand on the podium as he had achieved first place for the Beretta Cup.