Runners sprint to city

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Runners sprint to city

The AAM Timber Blue Lake Fun Run will take place this Sunday, attracting runners from the Limestone Coast and surrounds.

This year’s events will include the 3.2km Cave Gardens/Thugi Dash, 6.8km Mount Gambier/Berrin Run, 10.4km Blue Lake/Warwar Run and the 21.1km Lakes and Craters Half Marathon which will kick off at 7.15am.

Sponsors include AAM Timber, the City of Mount Gambier, Complete, Carlin and Gazzard, Illumident, UniSA, The Convent, Bio Gro and Athletes Foot.

Blue Lake Fun Run Committee chair Mark Praolini said teams were being encouraged to compete again this year.

“If there is a workplace or a group of friends, it’s a bit of fun to put a team together. You do not have to be all doing the same event,” he said.

“There are some great prizes for the teams including $200 prizes for the best dressed team and the team who covers the most distance and a $100 lucky draw prize for a team.

“The other new prize we will have is two $50 vouchers from Metro to give out to the best dressed two individuals.

“There will not be any prizes for the half marathon this year and that decision was made earlier, brought about by the way sponsorship was looking and also costs have gone up and we have been very conscious to keep entry fees at the same price as last year.”

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